Cancer Remedies

Benefits of Cancertame

Benefits of Cancertame
  • PublishedJanuary 23, 2024
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Benefits of Cancertame

  1. Tames Cancer by Inducing DNA Repair Mechanism
  2. Inhibits mutations in Genes
  3. Inhibits TumourAngiogenesis
  4. Reinduces the Process of Apoptosis in Cancer cells
  5. Inhibits Cancer promoting Enzymes and Hormones
  6. It helps to reduce the toxic side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, including b1 marrow suppression
  7. It helps to prevent recurrence of cancer in those patients, who have already been treated by surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  8. It helps to prevent metastases by reducing the adhesive capacity of cancer cells
  9. It helps to prevent cancer in high risk individuals
  10. It helps to fight cancer at every step i.e. genesis, growth and spread of cancer without any side effects
  11. It helps to boost immune system of the body by promoting production of cytokines
  12. It is especially recommended in those patients, who are not fit for surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy due to old age, markedweakness orany other factor
  13. It is effective even in chemo-refractory & chemo-resistant cases.
  14. It helps to improve quality of life and prolong the life span in advanced stages of cancer
  15. It does not require a medical prescription as it is an over the counter (OTC) medicine but we appreciate each patient talking to their Doctors about Cancertame and making the right decision as per their condition.
  16. When taken in the recommended dosage, Cancertame does not have any adverse side effects as per our clinical trials.
  17. The formulation of Cancertame is duly approved by Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.

Recommended Dose

For most of the cancer, the following dosage is to be followed:

Prevention of Cancer (in High Risk Individuals)1 capsule 2 times a day (2 caps daily)
Stage I Cancer Patients (Before and after Surgery)1 capsule 2 times a day (2 caps daily)
Stage II Cancer Patients1 capsule 3 times a day (3 caps daily)
Prevention of Recurrence (Post Surgery)1 capsule 3 times a day (3 caps daily)
Stage III Cancer Patients2 caps 2 times a day (4 caps daily)
Recurrent Cancer Patients (Stage I, Stage II and Stage III)2 caps 2 times a day (4 caps daily)
Metastatic, Stage IV Cancer Patients2 caps 3 times a day (6 caps daily)
Disseminated and Terminal Stage Cancer Patients2 caps 3 times a day (6 caps daily)

*Note: Dosage for Children below 10 years is half of the recommended dosage mentioned above

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