Q: Can this treatment be taken with chemotherapy ?
A: Yes, it has received AYUSH Certificate for enhancing the properties of cancer drugs. You can take Ayurbeda along with chemotherapy. It helps reducing the chemotherapy side effects significantly.
Q: Third and Fourth Stage cancer patients life may be extended by 1-2 years by allopathy, can this treatment extend the life of patients?
A: This treatment not only increases life of cancer patients, but also helps in escaping from unbearable anguish and improves quality of Life. The results varies on patient condition.
Q: Are there any side effects of Ayurveda?
A: No, because this is completely natural and is made from pure herbal extracts there are no side effects.
Q: Can other Ayurvedic / Homeopathic treatment can be taken?
A: You can, but not necessary because our Treatment includes 100-150 different types of herbs.
Q: Does the hemoglobin increases by this treatment?
A: Yes, it also increases hemoglobin.
Q: Does it increase hunger?
A: Yes, it helps in increasing appetite.
Q: Does it prevent weight reduction?
A: Yes, it helps in preventing weight reduction and may help in increasing the weight also.
Q: Is this treatment expensive than allopathy treatment?
A: No.

Q: Can this treatment be taken at home?
A: Yes, the treatment can be taken at home, no need to be admitted in hospital. It saves hospital costs and other hassles.
Q: Does the patient need to visit the Centre first or can get treatment on the basis of reports at home?
A: The patient does not need to come to the centre, the patient’s reports may be emailed or whats apped along with symptoms and complaints. Consultation can be given by phone or email. Patient family member can also choose to visit the center with patient reports and other details, based on which appropriate treatment will be suggested.
Q: If the patient wants to visit the centre, what are the timings?
A: All days including Sundays except Odiya Festivals.
Between 10 am to 2pm.
Q: Does this organisation give treatment for all types of cancers?
A: Yes.
Q: Apart from First and Second Stage patients, can a last stage patient be treated with Ayurveda ?
A: Yes.