Salacia reticulate in Diabetes Treatment

“Prevention is better than cure. If you are overweight or having family history of diabetes or excessive smoking, there is a high possibility of becoming diabetic. India is called Diabetic capital of the world. Currently 6.2 Crore Indians are diagnosed with diabetes and globally 15 lakh people are losing their lives every year. It is a long term disease and if left untreated will lead to complications.

Charaka Samhita written by Acharya Charaka Maharshi is the foundational text of Ayurveda, dating back to the period of 900 BC – 700 BC. Ekanayakam / Saptaranga known as Salacia reticulata is documented in Charaka Samhita for the management of Madhumeha (Diabetes mellitus) and used extensively for centuries.
The active component in Salacia reticulata roots has been identified, standardized and extracted as SALCITAL. After successfully neutralizing the taste of SALCITAL and other herbal extracts, the poly-herbal synergistic combination is blended with superior quality Coffee beans sourced from Coorg region of Karnataka. This product is best to manage Diabetes without compromising the authentic taste of Coffee.
SALCITAL is a Clinically Proven herbal supplement.
- Clinical trials of SALCITAL has been approved by: Clinical Trial Registry of India (No: TRI/2012/05/002678), National Institute of Medical Statistics (Indian Council of Medical Research).
- Identifier: NCTO1680211 (A service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health).
- World Health Organization, International Clinical Trials Registry Platform.
- Our Product is AYUSH Premium Certified
The vast majority of patients with type 2 diabetes initially would have had pre-diabetes. Their blood glucose levels are found to be higher than normal, but not high enough to merit a diagnosis of diabetes. Studies have indicated that the cells in the body are becoming resistant to Insulin even at the Pre-Diabetes stage. This is becoming an emerging factor for the development of cardiac diseases. This product effectively supports healthy blood sugar levels in Pre-Diabetes.
Benefits of Salacia reticulata
- “Wonder herb for optimum Glycemic Control“.
- Clinically proven herbal supplement for effective sugar balance.
- Long history of traditional use in Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine for centuries, known for its effectiveness against maladies of diabetes.
- No. I Herb of choice for diabetes. Best suitable for conditions of Type-I and Type-II diabetes.
- Rich with Polyphenols and Mangiferin, supports healthy blood sugar levels.
- Known for preventing complications of diabetes.
- Ideal choice for supporting metabolic health and obesity related conditions.
- Has potent antioxidant property with significant triglyceride and cholesterol lowering effects that aid in weight loss.
- Possesses Alpha Glucosidase and Pancreatic Lipase inhibiting property which delays glucose absorption into the blood, improves glycemic control.
- Effectively improves insulin resistance, glucose metabolism and supports healthy weight management.
Available in 50 Sachets in a Pack